Lead generation is one of the biggest challenges coaches face. Many gurus say you must constantly send DM’s on social media platforms to find leads.

I’ve tried this, and the problem is, it’s much too easy to end up with a bunch of unqualified leads that waste your time. Trust me, you can do without that.

You also spend a lot of time and effort on crafting insincere messages that can make you look like a desperate spammer. And it can feel icky. No coach wants that.

So here are 7 places to find great coaching leads – without wasting your life sending countless DMs.

  1. Your own coaching website
  2. LinkedIn
  3. Bark
  4. LifeCoachHub
  5. Coaching.com
  6. Noomi
  7. The Coaching Directory

Let’s take a closer look at what each of these lead generation methods involves.

7 Places to Get Great Coaching Leads (Without Spamming Your Network)

1. Your own coaching website

Your website is your digital home base – a powerful tool for attracting qualified leads without the need for pushy tactics. Here’s why it’s so effective:

  • Make use of SEO’s power: Consistently publishing valuable authority content about topics that matter to your ideal clients is the way to improve your search engine rankings. Meaning, potential clients will find you at the exact moment when they’re actively seeking support.
  • Showcase your expertise: Each post lets you demonstrate your knowledge and unique coaching approach. This builds trust with potential clients before they even contact you.
  • Lead magnets: Create downloadable resources (like ebooks or checklists) that visitors can access in exchange for their email address. This grows your mailing list with interested prospects.
  • 24/7 lead generation: Unlike social media outreach, your blog works for you around the clock, attracting high quality leads while you sleep or work with your existing clients.

To take full advantage of this method, first make sure you’ve set up a blog section as part of your coaching website.

This is where you’ll publish the problem-solving content that will form the core of your lead generation engine.

To turn your coaching blog into a lead-generating machine:

  • Start by defining your ideal clients’ main pain points
  • Use keyword research to target relevant search terms around those pain points
  • Use your expertise and experience to create posts that solve the pain points
  • Optimize your posts for both readers and search engines
  • Include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) in each post (inviting them to take the logical next step with your coaching business)
  • Regularly update and repurpose your content to keep it fresh

Remember that blogging is a long-term strategy, but an evergreen one. It takes a bit of time to build your momentum, but the results are worth it.

Once your blog posts start picking up traffic, you’ll start attracting better qualified leads who already understand your value, making the whole sales process much smoother.

In fact, I’ve attracted all of my best leads through my blog posts. Notably, they’re far better quality than any of the ones I managed to get through social media DMs.

They already like and trust me from reading my content, and they’re actively seeking help with a problem I can solve.

Want great leads from your coaching blog?

2. LinkedIn

LinkedIn isn’t just for job seekers posting boring career updates, In 2024, it’s morphed into a goldmine for coaches looking to attract high-quality leads.

The key is to focus on creating value, not spamming your connections. Here’s how to do it right:

  • Optimize your profile: Turn your LinkedIn profile into a lead magnet. Use a professional photo, craft a compelling headline, and write a summary that speaks directly to your ideal clients’ needs.
  • Create valuable content: Share insights, tips, and stories that showcase your expertise. Use LinkedIn’s native content tools like posts, carousels, and even videos to engage your audience.
  • Engage authentically: Instead of sending cold DMs, comment thoughtfully on others’ posts. This puts you on people’s radar without being pushy. By all means, reach out by DM if it feels right. But aim for more authentic connections – don’t ‘pitch slap’.
  • Leverage LinkedIn groups: Join groups where your ideal clients hang out. Contribute valuable insights to discussions to establish yourself as an expert.
  • Use LinkedIn’s publishing platform: Write long-form articles on topics your target audience cares about. This can help you reach beyond your immediate network.
  • Showcase client successes: Share case studies or testimonials (with permission) to demonstrate the real-world impact of your coaching.

By focusing on providing value and building genuine connections, you’ll attract leads who are already interested in what you offer.

Yes, this approach takes more time than mass-messaging, but it’s far more authentic, resulting in higher-quality leads (and also preserves your professional reputation!)

3. Bark

Bark is a lead generation platform that connects service providers, including coaches, with potential clients. Here’s how it works:

  • Clients submit requests for coaching services (you choose whether to accept)
  • Coaches receive notifications about relevant leads
  • You can then choose to pay for the lead’s contact information if you’re interested

Pricing: Bark uses a credit system. You purchase credits and spend them to contact leads. Credit costs vary but typically range from $1-$5 per credit, with lead prices varying based on the service requested.

4. LifeCoachHub

LifeCoachHub is a directory specifically for life coaches. It offers:

  • A profile page to showcase your services
  • The ability for clients to book sessions directly through the platform
  • Resources for coaches to help grow their business

Pricing: LifeCoachHub offers three plans, Free ($0, 1 active client), New Coach ($17 per month, 4 active clients) and Master Coach ($57 per month, unlimited active clients)

5. Coaching.com

Coaching.com is an all-in-one platform that connects coaches with individuals and organizations seeking coaching services. Features include:

  • A personalized profile page
  • Access to their network of potential clients
  • Wide range of tools and resources for managing your coaching practice

Pricing: Coaching.com starts from $157 per month for the Pro membership and $197 per month for the Premium membership.

6. Noomi

Noomi is a newer platform in the coaching space, designed to match coaches with clients based on specific needs and expertise. It focuses mainly on life coaches and business coaches. Noomi offers:

  • A detailed profile to showcase your unique coaching approach
  • A matching algorithm to connect you with compatible clients
  • Tools for scheduling and managing coaching sessions

Pricing: Noomi has a free plan where you get a directory listing but nothing else. The paid plan is $447 per year and provides access to the whole suite of tools and resources.

7. The Coach Directory (UK)

The Coach Directory is a UK-based online platform that connects clients with professional coaches across various specialties. It’s an excellent option for coaches looking to expand their visibility in the UK market. Here’s what it offers:

  • A personalized profile page to showcase your coaching services and expertise
  • The ability for potential clients to search for coaches based on location and specialty
  • Options for clients to contact you directly through the platform
  • Verification of coaching qualifications to build trust with potential clients

Coach Directory aims to simplify the process of finding a coach, making it easier for clients to connect with the right professional for their needs. For coaches, it provides a targeted way to reach individuals and organizations actively seeking coaching services in the UK.

Why blogging is your secret weapon for lead generation

While the platforms we’ve discussed can help you find coaching clients, blogging stands out above the rest as a powerful, long-term strategy that complements the other methods perfectly.

It’s my absolute favorite method of lead generation for coaches.

Think of your blog as your digital home base – a space that you control, where your unique voice shines through. It works hand-in-hand with other lead generation tactics.

For example, when a potential client discovers you through Bark or LinkedIn, your blog provides a wealth of content for them to explore, showcasing your expertise and approach.

Blogging also offers unparalleled scalability and long-term ROI. When you get your SEO properly dialled in, a post you write today could attract clients for years to come, unlike the finite leads from paid platforms.

Creating long-form content also positions you as a thought leader in your niche, drawing in clients who connect with your ideas specifically.

But don’t abandon other methods – use them to direct people to your blog. Offer a valuable free resource in exchange for an email address, building not just leads, but a community.

Starting is simple: write about what you know best – your client’s pain points solved with your coaching expertise (but don’t forget to find keywords for those pain points). Be consistent, and watch as your authority grows along with your client base.

While coaching platforms provide a potential source of leads, your blog is what really has the power to set you apart as a coach. It turns casual prospects into eager clients and one-time clients into your loyal long-term advocates.

By making blogging the foundation of your lead generation efforts, you’re creating a sustainable, scalable coaching business that truly reflects your value as an authority in your field.

Want great leads from your coaching blog?

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