Struggling to create the right coaching packages for your business? That’s totally normal. Many coaches start off lost and unsure about how exactly to structure their offerings.

Maybe you’re tempted to create a “one-size-fits-all” package that doesn’t account for individual client needs. Or perhaps you’re considering a “kitchen sink” approach, cramming every possible service into one overwhelming offer.

But without effective packages in place, you risk undercharging, overdelivering, or even driving your potential clients away. Lack of a solid offer also means a ton of missed opportunities for your new coaching business (trust me, I’ve been there!)

Crafting compelling coaching packages doesn’t have to be a guessing game. Let’s explore 5 coaching package examples to help new coaches get traction and grow faster.

5 Simple Coaching Packages Examples (To Grow Your Business Fast)

1. The Starter Package

Offering a low-commitment introductory package like the Starter Package is an excellent way to attract clients who might be unsure about investing in a more comprehensive program right away.

This package is a short-term, focused coaching experience in which you help clients tackle a specific goal or challenge. It’s perfect for those new to coaching or unsure about committing to a longer-term arrangement.

Key components to include:

  1. Initial Consultation (30-45 minutes):
    • Get to know the client and their primary concerns
    • Explain your coaching approach and what they can expect
    • Answer any questions they may have
  2. Goal-Setting Session (60 minutes):
    • Help the client identify and clarify their most pressing goal
    • Use the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to refine the goal
    • Discuss potential obstacles and strategies to overcome them
  3. Two Action-Oriented Coaching Sessions (45-60 minutes each):
    • Focus on making progress towards the identified goal
    • Provide guidance, accountability, and support
    • Assign homework or action steps between sessions
  4. Progress Review and Next Steps Session (30 minutes):
    • Evaluate the progress made towards the goal
    • Celebrate successes and identify areas for further improvement
    • Discuss options for continued coaching if desired
  5. Email Support:
    • Offer limited email support between sessions for quick questions or check-ins

When pricing your Starter Package, consider the following:

  1. Value-based pricing: Calculate the total time investment (approximately 4-5 hours) and price it slightly lower than your regular hourly rate to make it attractive.
  2. Psychological pricing: Use a price point that ends in 7 or 9 (e.g., $297 or $349) as these numbers are often perceived as better deals.
  3. Comparison pricing: Position this package as a cost-effective alternative to your full coaching programs. For example, if your standard 3-month package is $1,500, you might price this starter package at $349.
  4. Limited-time offer: Consider introducing this package as a special offer for new clients, available for a limited time to create urgency.
  5. Money-back guarantee: To reduce perceived risk, you could offer a satisfaction guarantee for the initial consultation, allowing clients to receive a refund if they don’t find value in that first session.

This package gives clients an easy way to experience your coaching services without a significant financial or time investment. It’s an easy sell.

You build trust, demonstrate your expertise, and potentially turn these clients into long-term coaching relationships.

2. The Custom Package

The Custom Package allows you to create coaching solutions tailored for each client’s unique needs and goals.

Framework for creating tailored coaching solutions:

  1. Modular approach:
    • Break down your coaching services into distinct modules (e.g., goal setting, mindset work, skill development, accountability)
    • Allow clients to select and combine modules based on their specific needs
  2. Flexible duration:
    • Offer varying timeframes (e.g., 1 month, 3 months, 6 months) to accommodate different client preferences and goals
  3. Intensity levels:
    • Provide options for session frequency (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, monthly)
    • Include choices for session duration (e.g., 30, 60, or 90 minutes)
  4. Communication channels:
    • Offer a mix of in-person, video, phone, and email coaching options
    • Allow clients to choose their preferred communication methods
  5. Additional resources:
    • Provide a menu of supplementary materials (e.g., workbooks, assessments, video tutorials)
    • Let clients select resources that align with their learning style and goals

Consultation process for identifying client needs:

  1. Discovery call (45-60 minutes):
    • Conduct an in-depth exploration of the client’s background, goals, and challenges
    • Ask probing questions to uncover underlying needs and motivations
    • Discuss the client’s preferences for coaching style and communication
  2. Needs assessment:
    • Use a structured questionnaire or assessment tool to gather detailed information
    • Identify key areas where coaching can have the most significant impact
  3. Solution design:
    • Based on the discovery call and needs assessment, create a custom package proposal
    • Outline recommended modules, duration, session frequency, and additional resources
  4. Collaborative refinement:
    • Present the proposed package to the client and encourage their input
    • Make adjustments based on their feedback to ensure the package feels perfectly tailored
  5. Agreement and onboarding:
    • Once the custom package is finalized, create a detailed coaching agreement
    • Conduct an onboarding session to set expectations and establish a strong foundation

Example pricing structure (base package: $1,500/month)

  • Includes 4 one-hour sessions, email support, and 2 standard assessments
  • Additional sessions: $250 each
  • Specialty assessments: $200-$500 each
  • Custom resources: Priced individually based on complexity

With the Custom Package, you get to showcase your full range of coaching expertise while also providing clients with a highly personalized experience. This is a good chance to position yourself as a premium coach who can easily handle complex, multifaceted client needs.

3. The Results-Based Package

This coaching package is designed to deliver clear, measurable results for clients. Focusing on specific goals and outcomes lets you create a structured coaching experience that demonstrates tangible value.

Structuring coaching around specific client goals:

  1. Goal identification:
    • Work with the client to identify 1-3 key goals they want to achieve
    • Ensure goals are specific, measurable, and time-bound
  2. Milestone mapping:
    • Break each goal into 3-5 measurable milestones
    • Create a timeline for achieving each milestone
  3. Action planning:
    • Develop specific action steps for each milestone
    • Assign homework and tasks between sessions

Including measurable outcomes and checkpoints:

  1. Initial assessment:
    • Conduct an initial evaluation related to each goal
    • Use surveys, assessments, or key performance indicators (KPIs)
  2. Regular progress checks:
    • Review progress towards milestones in each session
    • Adjust strategies as needed based on results
  3. Milestone celebrations:
    • Acknowledge and celebrate when milestones are reached
    • Use these moments to reinforce client motivation
  4. Final evaluation:
    • Conduct a comprehensive review at the end of the coaching period
    • Compare final results to the initial baseline

How to use case studies and testimonials effectively:

  1. Result snapshots:
    • Create brief “before and after” summaries of your past clients’ achievements
    • Use specific numbers or percentages to quantify results
  2. Client stories:
    • Develop detailed case studies of successful client journeys
    • Include challenges overcome and strategies used
  3. Video testimonials:
    • Record short video testimonials from satisfied clients
    • Focus on the specific results they achieved
  4. Results gallery:
    • Create a dedicated page on your website showcasing client results
    • Update regularly with new achievements
  5. Social proof in marketing:
    • Incorporate result statistics and client quotes in your marketing strategy
    • Use these to demonstrate the effectiveness of your results-based coaching approach

Example package structure (3 months):

  • 12 weekly 60-minute coaching sessions
  • 3 key goals with defined milestones
  • Bi-weekly progress check-ins
  • Final results evaluation
  • Price: $2,500 (or consider a base price plus a bonus tied to achieving all milestones)

This gives your clients a concrete way to see the value of your services – keeping them motivated. As a bonus, it also gives you powerful, quantifiable success stories to help attract future clients.

4. The Online Course + Group Coaching Hybrid

This package combines the scalability of an online course with the personalized touch of your live coaching. This way, you can serve more clients while still providing tailored support.

Combining self-paced learning with live coaching support:

  1. Course structure:
    • Create 4-6 core modules covering your main coaching topics
    • Include video lessons, worksheets, and action steps in each module
  2. Live coaching elements:
    • Offer bi-weekly group coaching calls (60-90 minutes)
    • Provide a private community forum for questions and discussions
  3. Pacing:
    • Release one module per week to keep students engaged
    • Align group coaching calls with module topics

Platform options and content creation tips:

  1. Course platforms:
    • Beginner-friendly options: Teachable, Thinkific, or Kajabi
    • Each offers course hosting, payment processing, and student management
  2. Content creation:
    • Use your smartphone or laptop webcam to record video lessons
    • Create simple PDF worksheets using Canva or Google Docs
    • Record audio versions of lessons for on-the-go learning
  3. Community management:
    • Use Facebook Groups for an easy-to-set-up community forum
    • Try Circle or Skool for more professional, course-integrated options (both of these could also act as integrated solutions replacing the ones mentioned above)

Pricing models for scalable income:

  1. One-time payment:
    • Charge a single fee for lifetime access to the course and a set period of live coaching (e.g., 8 weeks)
    • Example: $497 for the course and 2 months of bi-weekly group coaching
  2. Monthly subscription:
    • Offer ongoing access to the course and coaching for a monthly fee
    • Example: $97/month with a 3-month minimum commitment
  3. Tiered pricing:
    • Basic tier: Course access only ($297)
    • Premium tier: Course access + group coaching ($497)
    • VIP tier: Course access + group coaching + 2 private coaching sessions ($797)

Example package structure (8 week program):

  • 6 self-paced course modules
  • 4 bi-weekly group coaching calls
  • Private community forum access
  • Price: $497 (one-time payment) or $197/month for 3 months

Tips for beginners:

  • Start small: Begin with a focused course on your core expertise
  • Use free tools: Leverage free versions of tools to keep costs low as you start
  • Beta test: Offer your first round at a discount in exchange for feedback
  • Grow gradually: Add more advanced features and content as you gain experience

This combo package works really well because you can use your time more effectively but still providing valuable support to your clients.

5. The “VIP Day” Intensive Package

The “VIP Day” Intensive offers a focused, high-impact coaching experience condensed into a single day. It’s perfect for clients who want rapid results and are willing to invest in dedicated, one-on-one time with you.

Example structure of a full-day, one-on-one coaching session:

  1. Morning Session (3 hours):
    • 9:00 – 9:30 AM: Welcome and goal setting for the day
    • 9:30 – 11:00 AM: Deep dive into the client’s primary challenge
    • 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Strategy development
  2. Lunch Break (1 hour):
    • 12:00 – 1:00 PM: Working lunch (optional) to continue discussions
  3. Afternoon Session (4 hours):
    • 1:00 – 3:00 PM: Action planning and problem-solving
    • 3:00 – 4:30 PM: Implementation guidance
    • 4:30 – 5:00 PM: Day wrap-up and next steps

Pre and post-day support components:

  1. Pre-Day:
    • Welcome packet with preparatory exercises
    • 30-minute kick-off call to align expectations
    • Client questionnaire to gather key information
  2. Post-Day:
    • Detailed action plan summary (delivered within 48 hours)
    • Two 30-minute follow-up calls (scheduled within 2 weeks and 1 month)
    • 30 days of email support for questions and accountability

Ideal client profile for this high-impact offering:

  1. Characteristics:
    • Action-oriented and ready for rapid change
    • Has a specific, pressing challenge or goal
    • Values focused, undivided attention
    • Comfortable with intensive work sessions
  2. Situations:
    • Entrepreneurs launching a new project
    • Professionals facing a career transition
    • Leaders needing to solve a complex problem
    • Individuals at a significant life crossroads
  3. Expectations:
    • Seeking quick results and breakthroughs
    • Willing to do pre-work and follow-through
    • Able to dedicate a full day to their development

Example package structure:

  • Full-day one-on-one coaching session (7 hours)
  • Pre-day preparation materials and kick-off call
  • Post-day action plan and two follow-up calls
  • 30 days of email support
  • Price: $1,500 – $2,500 (depending on your experience level and market)

Tips for beginners:

  • Practice energy management to maintain focus throughout the day
  • Use a mix of coaching techniques to keep the day engaging
  • Prepare a flexible agenda, but be ready to adapt based on the client’s needs
  • Start with a lower price point and increase it as you gain experience and testimonials
  • Consider offering this VIP package to your existing clients first before marketing it more widely

The “VIP Day” Intensive coaching package is an awesome way to provide high-value, concentrated coaching (ideally in-person).

It allows you to make a significant impact in a short time, which can lead to powerful testimonials and word-of-mouth referrals.

As you become more comfortable with this format, you can refine your process and potentially increase your pricing.

Choosing the Right Coaching Package for Your Business

The right choice of coaching package depends on your experience level, target audience, available time and resources, coaching style, and business goals.

For beginners, I recommend starting with simpler offerings like the Starter Package or the Results-Based Package. These let you gain experience and build confidence without overcommitting.

As you grow more comfortable in your role, you might consider intermediate options such as the Online Course + Coaching Hybrid or the “VIP Day” Intensive Package.

It’s also important to consider your target audience. Think about their needs, preferences, and budget when structuring your offerings.

For example, busy professionals might prefer the focused approach of a “VIP Day” Intensive, while those seeking ongoing support might opt for a flexible monthly package.

It’s also essential to evaluate your own time and resources honestly. How much time can you really dedicate to coaching each week?

And, consider your level of tech skills, especially if you’re planning to offer online coaching or create digital courses (it’s easy to get overwhelmed with tricky tech. These AI tools for coaches make life a lot easier).

When pricing your packages, don’t forget to factor in any additional costs, such as platform fees, materials, or venue booking fees.

Your coaching style should align with the packages you offer. If you excel at intensive, focused work, delivered in-person, then the “VIP Day” might be an ideal fit.

On the other hand, if you prefer building long-term relationships with clients, consider ongoing monthly packages that allow for deeper, sustained engagement.

I’d suggest starting with one or two package types and refining them based on client feedback. As you gain experience and confidence, you can gradually introduce more complex or diverse offerings (if that makes sense for your business; it may not).

Your business goals should also influence your package selection. If you’re aiming for a stable income, focus on scaleable packages with recurring revenue, such as monthly subscriptions (e.g. to a group coaching package).

If you want to maximize impact in less time, then high-ticket offerings like the “VIP Day” might be more suitable for you (this also works well as a one-off). And don’t forget, you can also combine multiple packages.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution in coaching. The best package for your business will depend on your unique skills, target audience, and business goals.

As a beginner, it’s perfectly fine to start with a straightforward package that allows you to gain experience and build confidence.

Next Steps

As we’ve explored in this guide, creating effective coaching packages is both an art and a science. Here are some core success principles you should keep in mind:

  1. Start with clarity: Define your niche and understand your target audience.
  2. Offer big value: Ensure each package provides clear, tangible benefits to your clients.
  3. Be flexible: Create packages that can evolve with your business and your clients’ needs.
  4. Price strategically: Balance affordability for clients with fair compensation for your expertise.
  5. Measure results: Incorporate ways to track and showcase client progress and success.

And don’t be afraid to experiment with different package structures. What works for one coach may not work for another, and what appeals to one client may not resonate with the next.

You now have the tools to create compelling coaching packages. But having great packages is just the beginning. The real challenge lies in getting these packages in front of the right potential clients.

That’s where your coaching blog comes in. Your blog can be a powerful tool for attracting leads and showcasing your coaching packages.

But like many coaches, you might be struggling to find content ideas that will turn your blog into a consistent source of quality leads.

I’d love to share some exclusive insights with you in my weekly newsletter, to help you get your coaching packages in front of your ideal clients, exactly when they’re searching for the solutions you provide.

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