Build a Profitable Blog That Grows Your Business On Autopilot.  

Bespoke SEO coaching for solopreneurs. Learn how to rank your blog in search, target valuable money-making keywords for your business, and build solid brand authority online.

Grow Your Business Organically With Professional SEO Coaching

Mastering SEO can feel like a constantly moving target. With Google algorithm updates rolling out regularly and best practices changing over time, staying on top of your organic traffic quickly becomes a frustrating game of catch-up.

I offer straightforward SEO coaching to help entrepreneurs and business owners cut through the complexity. My services focus specifically on busy professionals who need support improving their web presence through organic search – without getting lost in technical details or vague recommendations.

About Your Coach

I’ve been blogging since 2013 and have grown two profitable blogs from scratch, using only SEO and no paid ads. My most successful site reached 100K+ in monthly traffic at its peak, generating six figures in annual revenue from ads, affiliates, consulting fees, and brand partnerships. I’ve also worked with a wide range of SaaS clients as an SEO and content strategy consultant, plus had an in-house content manager role at one of London’s top fintech unicorns, GoCardless.

The Benefits of Getting Your SEO Right

  1. Increased website traffic: SEO helps people find your website organically through search engines, driving more qualified visitors to your site.
  2. Improved rankings: Higher SEO rankings result in more clicks, visibility, and traffic. Getting on the first page of Google is a top priority.
  3. More conversions and sales: Traffic is useless without conversions. SEO helps convert visitors into paying customers, whether that’s via selling your own products or through passive income (like ads or affiliates).
  4. Better user experience: Optimizing your site for SEO also improves site speed, navigation, and content – all of which improve user experience.
  5. Higher brand awareness: The more visible and accessible your brand is, the more awareness it generates both online and off.
  6. Authority and trust: High rankings and organic traffic indicate to customers that your brand is authoritative and trustworthy.
  7. Lower cost: Reaching customers organically through SEO costs less than paying for ads. And optimized sites require less spending to get results.
  8. Future-proofing: SEO is only growing in importance. Optimizing now ensures your brand remains visible in the future.

What Does an SEO Coach Do?

An SEO coach guides you on how to improve your website’s search engine optimization. This guidance should cover key areas such as content creation, keyword research, topic clustering, website speed optimization, internal links, and external link building.

Your coach should have the ability to explain SEO fundamentals in a simple and accessible way, avoiding jargon and overly complex terminology. They should also have a clear and holistic understanding of how SEO drives a business’s bottom line, focusing on revenue generation rather than just vanity metrics such as traffic (traffic is important, but it shouldn’t be the only goal of SEO).

What’s more, a good coach should take into account your specific business goals when helping you create your SEO strategy. For example, a site monetized with ad revenue calls for a different approach to one that’s selling a product or service. Nevertheless, the fundamentals remain the same.

What To Look For In An SEO Coach

#1. Relevant Experience

Look for a coach with plenty of hands-on experience in SEO. Even better, find someone who has had most of their experience building and ranking their own sites from scratch, rather than just doing SEO in-house. There’s no room for complacency when your income depends on your rankings! My websites have been my full-time income generators since 2020.

#2. Proven Results

When choosing your SEO coach, you want someone not just with experience but also with proven results. After all, you need to learn from somebody who gets it right. My results speak for themselves, both for my own websites and those of clients.

Here’s an example of a recent SaaS client success.

#3. Solid Social Proof

Social proof is another key factor when it comes to choosing the right SEO coach.

You should check out things like:

  • Do they have relevant and active social media profiles?
  • Are they actively engaged and joining in the conversation around SEO and content?
  • Do they have a strong community commenting on their posts?
  • Have they been featured in the media and/or prominent industry blogs (e.g., Moz)?
  • Do they run their own successful blogs?
  • Do they have case studies and or testimonials from previous students and/or SEO clients?

#4. Teaching Experience

SEO is full of complex concepts, so you need a coach who is patient and can clearly explain them. My previous teaching experience, both in English as a foreign language and as a PhD candidate, plays an important role here.

Having come into SEO from several different backgrounds, I’m well-versed in explaining concepts in simple everyday language, rather than drowning my students in technical jargon.

#5. Stays Updated With Latest SEO Trends & News

SEO is a rapidly changing environment. Your coach should stay plugged into the latest trends, news, and updates – and be ready to bring that knowledge into your coaching sessions. That way, you’ll stay at the cutting edge of SEO. I post almost every day on LinkedIn about different aspects of SEO and content strategy, plus engage with a community of expert peers.

Proven experience, authentic results

In 15 months, I grew a brand-new website from zero to 100K+ monthly visits and six figures in revenue, plus got accepted into Mediavine.

Now, my highly engaged audience and strong personal brand work together to bring in new leads and clients for my coaching services.

Plus, I regularly attract requests for media interviews (like this one from Business Insider) and collaborations with other industry professionals. All with the power of SEO. Now I want to help you achieve similar results!


Brian Gallagher, Founder of The Simple Man Guide


Live Power Hour


Tackle a specific SEO challenge with a focused live coaching session and a tailored action plan so you can move forward with confidence. Perfect for solopreneurs and business owners who need targeted guidance.

  • 60-min live Zoom session
  • Recording
  • Actionable roadmap
  • Content that Converts template pack

SEO Mastery Package


5 private coaching sessions designed to help you master organic traffic fundamentals and apply them to your own business. Save 15% on individual session pricing.

  • Website quality audit
  • 5 x 60-min live Zoom sessions
  • Recordings
  • Actionable roadmaps after each session
  • 20 ready-to-use keywords
  • Content that Converts template pack


Yes, I’ve worked with many beginners to help them get their first blog up and running. Having taught myself SEO from scratch, I know what it’s like to start from zero. I work hard to explain concepts simply.

Yes, almost certainly. In fact, these are my favorite projects to work on. The “low-hanging fruit” of existing blog content offers some of the fastest SEO wins. Often, just a few simple tweaks will send it flying up the rankings.

I teach not only SEO, but also what to do with the traffic once you capture it. I’m experienced with a wide range of blog monetization techniques, including display ads, affiliates, brand partnerships, sponsorships, online consulting, and freelancing. I can coach you in any of these.

If you’re an online business owner looking to grow through blogging, then this coaching will be a perfect fit for you. But, you’ll need to put in the work required to publish optimized content, understand that SEO is not an overnight solution, and be willing to learn new skills.

If you want instant results, then SEO isn’t the right fit for your business. Similarly, if you want someone to do all the heavy lifting for you, then coaching won’t work. I also don’t teach or encourage spammy SEO strategies, such as using link farms, private blog networks, or “one-shot” AI content.

This is one of the classic “it depends” scenarios. All I can say is, that if you put in the effort to consistently create properly optimized content, targeting appropriate keywords, with effective monetization strategies in place, then you WILL make money from your blog. My SEO coaching will equip you with the right skills to get you there. But it’s not a magic bullet.

Again, this varies from one person to the next. An experienced blogger might just need one session to get them past a specific roadblock. On the other hand, a total beginner would ideally benefit from multiple sessions coaching them on each aspect of SEO.

Typically, a coach teaches you how to implement the strategies by yourself, equipping you with essential knowledge for a journey. A consultant typically does the work for you. It’s more common for larger companies to hire SEO consultants.

Ready to master SEO and start building a profitable blog?

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