Sick of chasing after new coaching clients every month? I’ll show you 25 practical ways to get coaching clients in 2024 – even with a tiny marketing budget (or no budget at all…).

I’ve used many of these tactics to build a successful online coaching-based business from scratch – helping thousands of remote workers get residency in Europe.

I’m also an experienced content marketer and SEO coach, teaching expert-led business owners how to get visible and make more money online.

25 Actionable Tactics to Get Coaching Clients Fast in 2024

1. Start a Blog That Ranks in Search

Blogging about your area of coaching expertise is one of the best ways to get clients without spending big bucks. In fact, you can get started completely for free.

But to avoid wasting time, it’s essential to know how to make sure your blog posts show up on Google. That means getting to grips with basic SEO. The good news is, it’s not as difficult or technical as you might think.

I leveraged SEO to build a successful blog which coached people on relocating to Europe (based on my personal experience doing the same). I ended up turning this blog into a six-figure online business, with a strong coaching component.

When I launched in late 2020, I decided to make SEO the cornerstone of the business. I invested a lot of my time in crafting high quality optimized blog posts. And that investment paid off – big time!

Back in the summer of 2021, about six months after launching, I started getting an uptick in high-quality enquiries who were getting in touch by email and booking coaching calls with me.

Most of them were exactly the kind of people I was targeting with my offer (i.e. US and UK nationals who wanted to move to Europe and seek second citizenship).

I wasn’t running any paid ads at the time, nor was I particularly active on social media.

Instead, these warm leads were coming entirely from my blog posts, via searches for highly relevant topics, such as “how to move to Portugal from the UK”.

As you can see, anyone who landed on my blog after typing that phrase into Google, would naturally be a highly qualified lead for my relocation coaching offer.

Once they landed on my blog post, I just had to use the content of that post to convince them to trust me.

I achieved that by writing high-quality, educational content that solved their problem and showcased my relevant expertise, then led them to the logical next step – buying my offer.

That’s the power of SEO – it brings you naturally well-qualified leads, practically on autopilot.

So how does SEO work exactly? Essentially you optimize your coaching content to appear whenever people search online for phrases relevant to your services.

The best part? Unlike paid ads, you don’t pay a cent directly for this inbound traffic. Yet search brings in over 53% of total website visits.

Growing your SEO requires regularly publishing quality blog content targeting strategic keywords. Choose topics tactically so your posts appear in results for searches your ideal clients would make.

For example, if you specialize in relationship coaching, I’d recommend targeting advice-driven keywords like:

“How to get an ex back”
“How to build trust in a relationship”
“How to communicate better with my spouse”

This allows you to easily position your blog content around popular search questions that people ask when struggling with various relationship issues.

Craft your blog posts to comprehensively answer and solve these reader problems, while subtly showcasing your expertise around relationships. Insert strategic internal links directing visitors to your coaching services page from reference points in your blog posts.

Equally important is building backlinks. These are external websites linking back to your content. Backlinks tell Google that other websites trust your website, which helps Google rank you higher.

Having a search-optimized blog for your niche is the perfect cornerstone for your coaching business. Many of the other lead generating tactics we’ll discuss in this article will benefit immensely from you having an authority blog.

Think of it as your long-term shop window on the Internet, where you can get coaching clients on autopilot.

2. Master LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn is another incredibly powerful channel to get coaching clients by showcasing your authority and expertise in your niche.

With over 700 million users, LinkedIn provides access to a vast network of professionals who may need your coaching services. I’ve grown my own LinkedIn audience to over 22,000 during the last 18 months – and it’s been a major contributor to my business.

The key to success is treating LinkedIn as a lead generation tool rather than a job seeking platform (which obviously isn’t a good fit for entrepreneurial coaches).

The process starts by making sure your profile is suitably optimized to drive relevant leads. Your LinkedIn profile is often the first impression potential coaching clients will have, so it’s important to set it up for maximum impact.

Start by crafting a compelling headline that clearly communicates what you do and who you help. For example, “I’m an executive coach helping leaders achieve peak performance.”

Next, make sure your LinkedIn profile picture is welcoming and professional (but don’t be afraid to show personality). I like using a background remover tool (e.g. in Canva) to add a solid color background that reflects your brand.

In your “About” section, share your unique story and explain how your coaching services benefit your clients. Y

ou can also use this section to include a link to your main point of conversion (for example, your lead magnet or booking a call with you).

But the featured section is an even better place to include your important links.

It’s highly visible and you have the ability to include eye-catching graphics. Here’s how one of the top LinkedIn coaches, Jasmin Alić, structures his featured section.

LinkedIn featured section example: Jasmin Alic

As you can see, there’s a selection of calls to action (CTAs) included here.

First up is Jasmin’s LinkedIn power hour (a paid service), then his high-ticket coaching offer, then a CTA to book him as a speaker.

Below is my current featured section, which I’m using at the moment just to promote my newsletter (although I’m eventually planning to add my paid services as well).

LinkedIn featured section example: Samantha North

As well as having an optimized LinkedIn profile, you also need to be proactive with your outreach efforts.

That means taking time to start conversations with people who visit your profile and comment on your posts (assuming they represent your ideal client).

Brian Gallagher of the Simple Man Guide is a business coach specializing in corporate escape.

Brian describes the importance of LinkedIn outreach like this:

“It was a mistake I made on other platforms too. Thinking all I had to do was create great content, put it out there, and magically – clients would come to me. WRONG. Being proactive about contacting those who visit your profile, engage with your content, or raise their hand in any other way to show interest – is a MUST.”

Here’s something else worth considering – many coaches on LinkedIn rely too much on the platform. They overlook the power of building a search-optimized blog presence alongside it.

In fact, SEO is the only method where clients truly do come to you, without having to constantly post new content.

Personally, I’d recommend growing your search optimized blog and your LinkedIn presence in tandem.

Your blog posts will attract evergreen leads over time, without much effort beyond creating the original content.

LinkedIn can bring in leads with more immediacy, but you must keep posting regularly to stay on top of the algorithm. That’s why having them work together is the best recipe for building a solid online brand (and it’s the marketing mix I most highly recommend for coaches).

3. Create a YouTube Channel

YouTube isn’t just a place to watch funny cat videos anymore.

It’s a powerful search engine in its own right, with millions of users searching for information and solutions to their problems every single day.

By creating videos that address common challenges and questions in your coaching niche, you can attract organic traffic to your channel and build your audience over time – without spending a dime on ads.

But what if you’re already blogging? Should you ditch it in favor of video? Not necessarily. In fact, the most effective content marketing strategies often include a mix of both.

You can easily repurpose your blog content into videos using simple AI scripts.

Imagine creating a video tutorial that walks viewers through a specific strategy or exercise from one of your blog posts – it’s like giving them a behind-the-scenes look at your coaching process.

But if you’re just starting out and trying to choose between blogging and YouTube, consider your strengths and the needs of your target audience.

If your ideal clients are more likely to search for solutions on Google, blogging may be a better initial focus. If they’re active on social media and enjoy consuming video content, YouTube may be a better fit.

Even if you have a tiny YouTube channel (like me), you can still attract high-quality leads by creating videos that provide genuine value to your viewers.

Here’s my friend Salma Jafri, an experienced YouTube coach, explaining exactly how to do it.

Don’t forget, YouTube is a search engine as well. So make sure to optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags for relevant keywords and include clear calls-to-action in your videos and descriptions.

You can promote your videos on your website, email list, and social media channels to drive more traffic and engagement.

As your channel grows, consider creating more advanced content like webinars, Q&A sessions, or interviews with other experts in your niche.

You can also use YouTube ads or collaborations with other creators to reach new audiences and attract more subscribers.

4. Launch Your Own Podcast

If you’re looking for a dynamic way to showcase your coaching expertise and attract new clients, launching a podcast could be your secret weapon.

Podcasting lets you connect with potential clients in a deeply personal way. By speaking directly into your listeners’ ears, you can build trust and credibility in a way that’s hard to replicate through written content alone.

When you share your knowledge, experiences, and coaching insights through a podcast, you position yourself as an expert in your niche.

Listeners will begin to see you as a valuable resource, meaning they’ll be more likely to seek out your services when they need support.

Plus, podcasting is an incredibly convenient way for busy professionals to consume content.

Your ideal clients can listen to your episodes while commuting, exercising, or doing household chores, so it’s easy for them to fit your valuable insights into their schedules.

Steps to Launching a Successful Coaching Podcast

This calls for some planning and effort, but the payoff can be significant.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Define your niche and target audience. Get clear on what specific topics you’ll cover and who your ideal listener is.
  2. Choose a podcast format and name. Will you do solo episodes, interviews, or a mix of both? Pick a name that clearly communicates what your podcast is about.
  3. Invest in quality equipment. You don’t need to break the bank, but a good microphone and recording software are essential for producing professional-sounding episodes.
  4. Plan and record your first few episodes. Create an editorial calendar and batch record several episodes so you have content ready to go.
  5. Choose a podcast hosting platform. Services like Buzzsprout or Libsyn will store your audio files and distribute your episodes to major podcast directories.
  6. Launch and promote your podcast. Share your episodes on social media, to your email list, and in any relevant online communities to attract listeners.

How to Use Your Podcast to Get Coaching Clients

Once your podcast is up and running, here are some ideas for how to use it to attract coaching clients:

  1. Offer a free discovery call or consultation in your episode outro. Invite listeners to book a session with you to discuss their specific challenges and goals.
  2. Create episode show notes that include key takeaways and a call to action. Encourage listeners to visit your website or download a free resource.
  3. Promote your coaching services or programs during relevant episodes. Share case studies or success stories that demonstrate the value of working with you.
  4. Invite listeners to join a free Facebook group or online community where they can engage with you and other like-minded individuals. This is a great way to nurture potential clients over time.
  5. Collaborate with other coaches or experts in your niche as podcast guests. This exposes you to new audiences and provides opportunities for cross-promotion.

Your coaching podcast can become a powerful client attraction tool, by consistently providing valuable audio content and inviting listeners to take the next step with you.

5. Appear on Podcasts as a Guest Expert

Speaking of podcasts, have you ever considered being a guest on someone else’s show?

Yes I know, it can be intimidating to put yourself out there like that. But trust me, appearing as a guest expert on other podcasts can be a game-changer for attracting new coaching clients.

Here’s a podcast I recently guested on:

Samantha North with Nate Matherson on the Optimize podcast (Jun 26, 2024)

Think about it this way: when you launch your own podcast, you’re starting from scratch in terms of building an audience.

But when you appear as a guest on an established podcast, you get to tap into their existing listener base. It’s like being introduced to a whole new group of potential clients already interested in your niche!

The key is to find podcasts that align with your coaching expertise and target audience. Start by doing a search on iTunes or Google for shows in your industry.

Listen to a few episodes to get a feel for the content and style. If you think it would be a good fit, reach out to the host with a personalized pitch.

In your pitch, focus on the value you can bring to their audience. What unique insights or experiences can you share? How can you help their listeners solve a specific problem or achieve a certain goal?

The more specific and relevant you can be, the better chance you have of landing that coveted guest spot.

Once you’ve agreed on a guest appearance, make sure to prepare thoroughly. Listen to a few more episodes of the podcast to get a sense of the host’s interview style and the types of questions they typically ask.

Jot down some key talking points and stories you want to share. And don’t forget to mention your own online presence (e.g. blog or other platform) and coaching offer during the interview!

After the episode airs, be sure to promote it on your own social media channels and to your email list. You can even create a special landing page on your website just for listeners of that podcast, with a tailored lead magnet or offer.

6. Guest Post on High-Authority Websites

Guest posting involves writing articles for other websites or blogs in your niche.

It’s a chance to showcase your expertise to a whole new audience and attract potential coaching clients in the process.

Why is guest posting so powerful? For starters, it gives you exposure to new audiences who may never have heard of you before.

When you contribute a high-quality article to a reputable website, you’re borrowing their credibility and authority. Readers will see you as an expert in your field. That goes a long way in building trust and attracting clients.

Guest posting can also give your website a nice SEO boost. When another site includes a link back to your blog in an author bio or within the article itself, it signals to Google that your content is valuable and relevant.

Over time, this can help increase your rankings and make it easier for potential clients to find you online. Of course, not all websites are created equal when it comes to guest posting.

You want to focus on high-authority sites that are relevant to your coaching niche. Look for blogs or publications that your ideal clients are likely to read and trust.

So, how do you get started with guest posting? One of the best ways is to leverage your existing network. Reach out to colleagues or other coaches in your niche and ask if they know of any guest posting opportunities.

You can also use LinkedIn to connect with website owners or editors and pitch your article ideas directly.

Once you’re ready to pitch, read some existing content to get a feel for their style and tone. Come up with a few article ideas that align well with their audience’s interests and needs.

And don’t forget to highlight how your unique perspective as a coach can add value to their site.

Finally, when you do land a guest posting opportunity, put your best foot forward. Write an epic article that showcases your coaching skills and leaves readers wanting more.

Include a strong call-to-action in your author bio, inviting readers to check out your website or sign up for your lead magnet.

7. Leverage Email Marketing

Email marketing may not be as flashy as social media or as trendy as podcasting.

But trust me, it’s seriously effective in attracting new clients.

Think about it this way: when someone joins your email list, they’re raising their hand and saying, “Hey, I like what you have to say and I want to hear more from you!”

That’s a level of engagement and interest that you just can’t get from a random social media follower or website visitor.

But building an email list is just the first step.

To really leverage email marketing for client attraction, you need to nurture those relationships over time. That means showing up consistently in their inbox with valuable content, insights, and offers.

One of the keys to successful email marketing is segmentation. Not all of your subscribers are going to be at the same stage of the buyer’s journey.

Some may be just getting to know you, while others may be ready to invest in coaching. By segmenting your list based on factors like engagement level or interests, you can tailor your messaging and offers accordingly.

Another important aspect of email marketing is automation. You don’t have to manually send out every single email blast (thank goodness!). Instead, set up automated email sequences that drip out content over time.

For example, when someone signs up for your lead magnet, create a series of emails that automatically gets sent out over the next few weeks, gradually nurturing that relationship and guiding them towards a coaching consultation.

But the most important element of email marketing is providing genuine value. No one wants to be bombarded with constant sales pitches or generic fluff.

Your emails should be a mix of educational content, personal stories, and actionable insights that help your subscribers solve their challenges and achieve their goals.

Focus on serving your audience first, then the client attraction piece naturally falls into place.

Of course, there are some technical aspects to email marketing as well.

You’ll need to choose an email service provider (like ConvertKit or Mailchimp), identify a suitable newsletter template, and make sure you’re staying compliant with privacy laws like GDPR.

But don’t let those details overwhelm you – the most important thing is to start building that email list and nurturing those relationships.

8. Gather Testimonials and Case Studies

Before deciding to invest in coaching, people want proof that it actually works.That’s where testimonials and case studies come in.

Testimonials and case studies are all about social proof. They provide tangible evidence that your coaching methods are effective and that you’ve helped others achieve their goals.

When potential clients see others who have succeeded with your guidance, it builds trust and credibility in a way you simply can’t achieve on your own.

Not all testimonials are created equal. While a simple quote from a happy client can be nice, the most effective testimonials are the ones that tell a story.

Ideally, you want to showcase the transformation your client experienced through your coaching.

What challenges were they facing before working with you? What specific results did they achieve? How has their life or business changed as a result?

Video is one of the most powerful forms of testimonial. Seeing and hearing someone share their success story really hits home. Plus, video testimonials are highly shareable on social media and can help you reach a wider audience.

But testimonials aren’t just for your website (although that’s definitely a great place to put them).

You can also share them on your social media channels, include them in your email marketing, and even use them in your sales conversations. Just make sure you’re getting permission from your clients to use their testimonials.

So, how do you actually go about getting testimonials? The best way is to simply ask!

When you’ve finished working with a client and you know they’ve had a positive experience, reach out and ask if they’d be willing to provide a testimonial.

I recommend giving the client prompts or questions to guide their response (e.g. “What was your biggest takeaway from our coaching work together?”).

Testimonials are great for providing social proof, but case studies take things a step further by exploring the specifics of how you helped a client achieve their goals.

A good case study should include background information on the client, a clear description of the challenges they were facing, an overview of the coaching process, and specific, measurable results.

Case studies are a bit more time-intensive to create than testimonials, but they’re incredibly powerful for attracting high-ticket coaching clients. They really showcase your expertise and the value of your coaching.

To create a compelling case study, choose a client who has seen significant results from working with you.

Reach out and ask if they’d be willing to participate (you may need to offer an incentive, like a discount on future coaching or a gift card).

Then, schedule an interview with the client to gather all the necessary information. Be sure to ask about their goals, challenges, and results, as well as their experience working with you.

Once you have all the information, it’s time to write up the case study.

Aim to tell a clear and compelling story, using specific examples and data to illustrate the client’s transformation. You can even include quotes from the client to add an extra layer of authenticity.

9. Create a Facebook Group

If you want to build a community of engaged potential clients, creating a Facebook group could be perfect for you.

One of the biggest benefits of a Facebook group is that it allows you to establish yourself as an expert in your niche.

By consistently showing up and providing valuable content and support, you build trust and credibility with your members. And when they’re ready to invest in coaching, they’ll think of you first!

Facebook groups are also a great way to get valuable feedback and insights from your ideal clients. You can ask questions, run polls, and gather data to refine your offers and marketing messages.

Plus, by engaging with your members and answering their questions, you’re already providing a taste of what it’s like to work with you as a coach.

Nicola Gray, a Portugal-based health coach, recently started a Facebook group to support 40+ peri-menopausal women.

“The FB group has already yielded me one woman who is chatting with me via message and it looks like she will sign up for a 30 minute discovery call. I’ve also been using the group to collect email addresses at signup.”

Facebook groups can also be a great source of referrals. When your members see the value you provide and the community you’ve built, they’re more likely to recommend you to their friends and colleagues.

And, as we all know, referrals are some of the best (and easiest) ways to get new coaching clients.

Before you create your group, keep these potential pitfalls in mind.

First, a Facebook group is a long-term commitment.

You can’t just create it and then ghost on your members – you need to show up consistently and provide ongoing value. That means carving out time for group moderation and engagement.

I also recommend being strategic about your group’s focus and purpose.

It’s not enough to just create a general “coaching” group – you need to niche down and speak directly to your ideal client’s specific challenges and goals. The more targeted your group is, the more likely you are to attract qualified leads.

Finally, you need to be aware of Facebook’s ever-changing algorithm and terms of service. What works today may not work tomorrow, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on best practices and be willing to adapt as needed.

So, how do you actually get started with creating a Facebook group?

The first step is to get clear on your group’s focus and purpose. Ask yourself questions such as:

  • What specific topics will you cover?
  • What kind of support and value will you provide?
  • Who is your ideal member?

Once you’ve got that nailed down, it’s time to actually create the group.

Choose a clear and compelling name, create a banner image that reflects your brand, and write a description that clearly communicates what the group is all about. You’ll also want to set up some basic rules and guidelines for participation.

Next, it’s time to start promoting your group.

Share it on your personal profile, your business page, and any other relevant social media channels. You can also promote it to your email list and any other communities or networks you’re in.

Once you start getting members, it’s important to engage with them regularly. Post valuable content, ask questions, and respond to comments and posts.

You can also use Facebook’s built-in features, like polls and live video, to create interactive experiences for your members.

10. Attract Clients on Instagram

With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram provides a massive opportunity to connect with potential clients actively seeking solutions to their challenges.

One of the biggest advantages of using Instagram for coaching is the ability to display your personality, expertise, and coaching style through a combination of visuals and text.

By consistently sharing valuable content that resonates with your target audience, you can build trust, credibility, and a loyal following over time.

Susana Ribeiro, a Lisbon-based team and workplace coach, has found success with Instagram, posting content about her coaching sessions and her vision for her work.

“I think Instagram works well, because potential clients can get a flavour of what to expect in my work, along with my values and perspective.”

To get started with Instagram, first create a professional profile that clearly communicates who you are, what you do, and who you help.

Use a high-quality profile picture, write a compelling bio that showcases your unique value proposition, and include a call-to-action that directs potential clients to your website, booking page, or main lead magnet.

Next, develop a content strategy that aligns with your coaching niche and target audience.

Share a mix of educational posts, inspirational quotes, behind-the-scenes glimpses into your life and business, and success stories from your clients.

Use relevant hashtags to increase your reach and make it easier for potential clients to discover your content.

Instagram Stories and Reels are powerful tools for coaches looking to build engagement and connect with their audience on a more personal level.

Use Stories to share daily tips, insights, and prompts that encourage your followers to interact with your content.

Reels, Instagram’s short-form video feature, is perfect for sharing quick tips, tutorials, and behind-the-scenes footage that showcases your personality and expertise.

Another effective strategy for attracting coaching clients on Instagram is to collaborate with other coaches, influencers, and brands in your niche.

Partnering up with complementary accounts is a great way to access new audiences and expand your reach on the platform.

11. Run Webinars or Online Workshops

Webinars and online workshops are powerful tools for attracting coaching clients and showcasing your expertise.

A webinar is typically a live, online presentation or seminar that attendees can join from anywhere in the world. They’re often used to educate, inspire, or pitch a product or service.

Online workshops, on the other hand, are usually more interactive and hands-on. They often involve a series of sessions or modules, and may include exercises, group discussions, and personalized feedback.

Running webinars or online workshops has many benefits. For one, they allow you to reach a much wider audience than you can with in-person events.

They’re also more convenient and accessible for attendees, who can join from the comfort of their own home or office.

Also, providing valuable content and demonstrating your expertise builds trust and credibility with potential clients. You can even use webinars or workshops as a way to upsell attendees into your higher-ticket coaching programs.

To get started with webinars or online workshops, first decide on your topic and format. What specific problem or challenge will you address? What key takeaways or transformation will you provide?

Then choose a platform or tool to host your event, such as Zoom, WebinarJam, or GoToWebinar (I like Zoom best).

Create a landing page or registration form to capture attendee information, and start promoting your event through your email list, social media channels, and other relevant communities.

Finally, prepare your content, practice your delivery, and make sure you engage with attendees during the event to build relationships and trust.

12. Speak at Events or Conferences

Speaking at events or conferences is a fantastic way to attract coaching clients and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

When you deliver valuable insights to a room full of people, you instantly position yourself as an authority figure.

But the benefits of speaking go beyond just establishing your authority. When you speak at an event, you also have the opportunity to connect with potential clients on a personal level.

You can share your story and your unique approach to coaching in a way that resonates with your audience.

For example, let’s say you’re speaking at a conference for entrepreneurs. You deliver a keynote on the importance of mindset and overcoming limiting beliefs.

After your talk, an attendee comes up to share how much your message resonated with them.

They’ve been struggling with self-doubt and fear of failure, but your words inspired them to push through.

That connection could easily turn into a coaching relationship. The attendee sees you as someone who truly understands their challenges and can help them achieve their goals.

But how do you actually land your first speaking gig? Start by identifying events or conferences that align with your coaching niche and target audience.

Look for opportunities to submit a proposal or pitch a topic that showcases your unique expertise and approach. You can also reach out to event organizers directly to introduce yourself and express your interest in speaking (I like LinkedIn for this).

Another option is to start small and local. Look for opportunities to speak at networking events, Meetup groups, or local business associations. These can be a great way to start building your speaking resume.

You can also draw on your existing network and relationships. Let your clients, colleagues, and friends know that you’re looking for speaking opportunities, and ask if they know of any events or organizations that might be a good fit.

13. Host an Online Challenge

What exactly is an online challenge?

It’s a series of tasks or activities that participants tackle over a set period of time, e.g. a few days to a few weeks.

The goal is to help people achieve a specific transformation, such as building a new habit, learning a new skill, or overcoming a particular obstacle.

Here’s why challenges work so well for attracting coaching clients. For starters, they provide value.

You guide participants through a step-by-step process and help them achieve a tangible result. This shows them that you you know your stuff and that you can help them get results.

Challenges aren’t just about providing value. They’re also about building community. When people participate in a challenge together, they feel camaraderie and accountability.

They’re more likely to stick with it until the end, because they know they’re not alone. And when they do achieve those results, they’re more likely to attribute their success to your coaching.

But hosting a challenge isn’t without its pitfalls.

One of the biggest mistakes I see coaches make is trying to do too much too soon.

They pack their challenge with so much content and so many tasks that participants feel overwhelmed and drop out before they even get started.

My advice? Keep it simple, especially if it’s your first time running a challenge. Focus on one key outcome and break it down into manageable, bite-sized steps.

Another thing to keep in mind is promotion. Just because you build it doesn’t mean they’ll come. You need to get the word out about your challenge and make it easy for people to sign up.

That might mean creating a landing page, running social media ads, or reaching out to your email list. The key is to start promoting early and often, so you have plenty of time to build up buzz.

So, how do you actually get started with hosting a challenge? The first step is to choose your topic and format.

What specific problem or goal will your challenge address? How long will it run, and what kind of tasks or activities will participants complete each day?

Once you have a clear plan in place, it’s time to create your content. That might include daily emails, video lessons, workbooks, or live coaching sessions.

Next, set up your challenge infrastructure. That means creating a landing page or sign-up form, setting up your email automation, and creating any necessary graphics or marketing materials.

And of course, don’t forget to promote! Start spreading the word about your challenge a few weeks in advance, so you have plenty of time to build momentum.

14. Build Strategic Partnerships

Strategic partnerships are mutually beneficial relationships between businesses or professionals with a common goal or target audience.

In this way, you can draw on each other’s strengths, resources, and networks to achieve more than you could alone.

Partnerships can take many forms, such as affiliate relationships (promoting each other’s products/services for a commission) or joint ventures (creating a new product, program, or event together).

To find the right partner, look for someone who complements your strengths, shares your values and vision, and has access to a new network of potential clients.

Do your due diligence by researching their online presence and testimonials, and set up a call to discuss goals and expectations.

Establish clear guidelines, roles, and communication channels from the start. Set measurable goals, agree on how to share profits or expenses, and have regular check-ins to stay on track.

Play to your strengths and delegate tasks accordingly to make the most of your collective skills and resources.

Think outside the box and stay open to new opportunities, like partnering with businesses in complementary industries or nonprofit organizations that share your values.

15. Write a Book or Ebook

Writing a book is an effective way to get coaching clients and establish yourself as an authority in your field.

When you publish a book, you’re sharing your knowledge and expertise with the world while also creating a tangible asset that shows your credibility and thought leadership.

Writing a book is also about providing value to your target audience, by addressing their specific pain points, challenges, and goals. That way, you’re building trust and rapport with potential clients before they even meet you.

The most effective books are highly targeted and actionable. They focus on a specific problem or outcome that your ideal client struggles with, and they offer clear, step-by-step guidance on how to solve it.

For example, if you’re a business coach who specializes in helping entrepreneurs scale their companies, you might write a book on “The 5 Essential Steps to Double Your Revenue in 12 Months.”

Or if you’re a health coach who works with busy parents, you might create a book on “The Ultimate Guide to Meal Planning for a Healthier, Happier Family.”

The key is to make your book as valuable and relevant as possible to your target audience. Don’t try to be everything to everyone – focus on your niche and go deep on the topics that matter most to your ideal clients.

So, how do you get started with writing your own book or ebook? First, clarify the specific problem or challenge your book will address? Who are you writing for, and what do they need to know?

Once you’ve got a clear focus, it’s time to start outlining your content. Break your topic down into key sections or chapters, and brainstorm the main points for each one. You might also want to do some research to back up your ideas and provide additional value to your readers.

Next, set aside dedicated time to write your book. Whether you prefer to write in short bursts or long stretches, make sure you’re making steady progress towards your goal.

And don’t worry about being perfect on the first draft – just get your ideas down on paper (or screen) and then refine them later.

Once your book is written, it’s time to focus on editing, formatting, and design. You can do this yourself in Canva.

But you could also consider hiring a professional editor and invest in a high-quality cover that will grab people’s attention online. Then, choose your self-publishing platform and start promoting your book to your target audience.

16. Offer a Low-Ticket Digital Product or Course

Offering a low-ticket digital product can be a game-changer for attracting coaching clients and growing your business.

Unlike one-on-one coaching, which needs direct time and attention, you can create a digital product once then sell it many times – generating passive income while you work with other clients (or while you sleep!)

Digital products are also about providing value to your target audience and building trust. High-quality products demonstrate your expertise and show them that you’ve got the solutions they need.

Low-ticket digital products are an easy, low-risk way for people to get a taste of your coaching style and approach.

If you offer a low-ticket product or course for say, $27 or $47, they can see if your approach resonates with them. If they see big results from your product, then they’ll be much more likely to invest in your higher-priced coaching services later on.

So, what kind of low-ticket products or courses could you create as a coach? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • A short video course or workshop on a specific topic related to your niche (e.g. “5 Simple Steps to Boost Your Confidence at Work”)
  • A guided meditation or visualization audio program (e.g. “Stress-Busting Meditations for Busy Moms”)
  • A workbook or action guide with exercises and prompts to help clients achieve a specific goal (e.g. “The Ultimate Goal-Setting Workbook for Entrepreneurs”)
  • A mini-course delivered via email or a membership site (e.g. “7 Days to Better Sleep”)
  • A collection of templates, checklists, or other resources related to your niche (e.g. “The Health Coach’s Toolkit”)

The key is to create something that provides real value to your target audience and showcases your unique approach and expertise.

Don’t try to cram everything you know into one product. Instead, focus on a specific problem or outcome and go deep with the solutions.

To get started, try brainstorming some ideas and get clear on what your target audience needs and wants.

What challenges are they struggling with? What outcomes are they looking for? How can you help them achieve their goals in a way that’s easy and accessible?

Next up, it’s time to start creating. You might need to write a script, record videos or audio, design worksheets or templates, or create other content. Don’t worry about making everything perfect, just provide value and get your product out into the world.

You’ll need a suitable platform to host and deliver your product. There are many options available, from online course platforms like Teachable or Thinkific to email marketing tools like ConvertKit or MailChimp.

Lastly, it’s time to start promoting your product. Share it on social media, send emails to your list, and consider running ads or collaborating with other coaches or influencers in your niche.

17. Run Paid Online Ads

Running paid online ads is highly effective way to get clients, especially when combined with other marketing strategies like SEO.

When you run an ad on a platform like Facebook, Google, or LinkedIn, you’re essentially paying to put your message in front of a targeted audience of potential clients.

You can choose who sees your ad based on factors like demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. Hence, you can get your services in front of people who are most likely to be interested.

Here are a few of the most common types of online ads:

  • Facebook Ads: These ads appear in users’ Facebook feeds and can include images, videos, or carousels. They’re great for targeting specific audiences based on interests and behaviors.
  • Google Ads: These ads appear at the top of Google search results pages and can be targeted based on specific keywords or phrases. They’re ideal for reaching people who are actively searching for coaching services.
  • LinkedIn Ads: These ads appear in users’ LinkedIn feeds and can be targeted based on job title, industry, company size, and more. Perfect for reaching professionals and business owners.
  • Instagram Ads: These ads appear in users’ Instagram feeds and can include images, videos, or stories. They’re great for reaching younger audiences and building brand awareness.

Ads and SEO are like two sides of the same coin. Both are effective for attracting coaching clients, but they work in different ways and have their own unique pros and cons.

As we already covered, SEO is all about optimizing your website and content to rank higher in search results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords or phrases.

When someone searches for a term related to your coaching services, you want your website to appear at the top of the results. The big advantage of SEO is that it can provide a steady stream of high-quality leads over time.

When someone finds your website through a search engine, they’re actively looking for the services you offer. This means they’re likely a good fit for your coaching and hence more likely to become a paying client.

But the downside of SEO is that it can take time to see results, especially for competitive keywords. And even then, there’s no ironclad guarantee that you’ll appear on top.

Paid ads provide more immediate results. When you run an ad, you can start getting clicks and leads right away. You also have more control over who sees your ad and when, which is helpful for testing different messages and offers.

But paid ads are more expensive than SEO, especially if you’re in a competitive niche. You also have to keep paying for ads to keep getting results.

SEO content provides ongoing benefits even after you stop actively working on it (although it’s still important to keep your content fresh and up to date)

So, when should you use ads, and when should you focus on SEO? The answer depends on your specific business goals and budget.

If you don’t have much money to invest in marketing, then I suggest starting with SEO. By optimizing your website and creating high-quality content, you can start building up your rankings and attracting organic traffic over time.

Once you have more resources available, you could try paid ads to boost growth and reach new audiences. They’re also a good idea for when you have a specific offer that you want to promote

The best approach is often to combine SEO and paid ads. You use SEO to attract organic traffic to your website and increase your authority and credibility.

Then, you could use paid ads to promote specific offers to people who have already visited your site. In this way, you’re reaching audiences already interested in your offer and more likely to convert into paying clients.

18. Join Online Coaching Directories

Coaching directories help potential clients find you more easily. When someone is searching for a coach online, they may turn to a directory to find someone suitable.

Online directories also provide social proof and credibility.

Many include reviews and ratings from past clients, which helps build trust with potential new ones. Being listed on a reputable directory also tells clients that you’re a legitimate and professional coach.

To find suitable directories to join, start by searching online for coaching directories in your niche or specialty.

For example, if you’re a business coach, you might search for “business coaching directories” or “executive coaching directories.” Some popular coaching directories include:

  • Noomii
  • Life Coach Spotter
  • Bark
  • Thumbtack

Look for ones with a good reputation, a user-friendly interface, and a strong presence in search engine results pages.

You’ll also want to factor in the costs. Some directories charge a fee while others are free.

Once you’ve identified a few relevant directories, create a compelling profile that showcases your expertise, experience, and unique value proposition.

Make sure to include client testimonials and a clear call-to-action for potential clients to contact you.

19. Research Your Ideal Clients on Reddit

Reddit is a vast online community with thousands of subreddits (sub-forums) dedicated to specific topics, interests, and niches.

Engaging in relevant subreddits helps you understand your target audience’s challenges, goals, and preferences. This intel is perfect for tailoring your coaching services and marketing messages to better resonate with potential clients.

To find suitable subreddits, start by brainstorming keywords related to your coaching niche and target audience. For example, if you’re a relationship coach, you might search for subreddits like:

  • r/relationships
  • r/dating_advice
  • r/marriage
  • r/divorce

Once you’ve identified relevant subreddits, join them and spend some time observing the conversations. Get a feel for the community’s culture and norms.

Pay attention to the types of questions people are asking and the challenges they’re facing. Look for opportunities to provide value by sharing your expertise and insights in a helpful, non-promotional way.

When engaging on Reddit, it’s important to be authentic, respectful, and focused on contributing to the community.

Don’t overtly promote your coaching services, as this risks looking spammy and may turn people off. Instead, focus on building relationships and establishing yourself as a trusted resource in your niche.

One pitfall to be aware of on Reddit is that the community can be quite skeptical of self-promotion and marketing.

It’s important to read each subreddit’s rules and guidelines carefully and to engage in a way that feels organic and genuine. If you’re too aggressive in promoting your services, you risk being banned from the subreddit or damaging your reputation.

20. Create a Referral Program

Referral programs work well because they use the power of social proof and personal recommendations.

When a satisfied client refers someone to your coaching services, that prospect is more likely to trust you and be open to working with you.

Referrals also help you attract clients who are a good fit, as they often share similar needs with your existing clients.

Ana Jones, owner of the Bliss Biz Facilitator, credits referrals with much of her business success so far.

“Some clients have found me through social media. But the strongest force by far has been referrals. When people come to me because others recommended my services – that’s the best and most beautiful compliment of all.”

To create a referral program, start by deciding on the incentives you’ll offer for successful referrals. Perhaps a discount on future coaching sessions, a free resource or tool, or even a cash bonus.

Make sure your incentives are compelling enough to encourage clients to refer others (but not so costly that they eat into your profits).

Next, let your existing clients know about your referral program. Tell them how it works, what incentives you’re offering, and how they can refer others to you.

You can promote your program through email newsletters, social media posts, or even during coaching sessions.

Make it easy for clients to refer others by providing them with referral cards, unique referral links, or shareable social media posts.

Consider creating a landing page on your website specifically for referrals, where prospects can learn more about your services and sign up for a consultation.

The downside of referral programs? They sometimes attract unqualified leads.

To reduce this risk, make sure your referral program is targeted towards your ideal client profile. Put in place a clear process for screening and qualifying referrals.

Referral programs can also be time-consuming to manage, especially as your client base grows. You may want to automate parts of your program, such as tracking referrals and delivering incentives.

That way, you save time and create a smooth experience for both clients and referrals.

21. Attend Networking Events

Yes, perhaps networking events seem old school and time-consuming in this age of digital marketing. But I believe real-life networking is still hugely valuable – especially for getting coaching clients.

Online tactics have many perks, but nothing quite replicates the power of in-person connections.

When someone meets and talks to you face-to-face, you build rapport and trust much faster. There’s just an extra human dimension that online interactions lack.

I still remember going to a small, local entrepreneurs meet up in Lisbon, a few years back when I’d just started my online business.

I got talking with a freelance costume designer named Zorana, who happened to share my passion for supporting women entrepreneurs. We hit it off right away!

After catching up over coffee later that week, Zorana sent me my first referral for relocation services. That one was the first of many more (eventually earning me thousands in revenue).

Here are my top tips to maximize your own networking event success:

  • Don’t be shy about exchanging contact details. Whether it’s LinkedIn or WhatsApp, staying in touch should be a top priority for you.
  • Don’t pitch to everyone you encounter. Instead, ask questions and identify ways you can add value before promoting your services. My personal approach involves being curious about everyone I meet, rather than focusing just on myself.
  • Follow up in a timely manner while conversations are still fresh. Briefly recap your meeting and propose next steps. Be friendly and relaxed, not stiff or formal. Treat the person as a potential friend, rather than just a business connection.

Finding great events in your region is surprisingly easy these days. Browse sites like Eventbrite and Meetup. Relevant conferences, charity events, or even local community gatherings represent ideal networking potential.

Networking in person doesn’t have to be cringey or awkward. Just relax, treat everyone you meet as a potential new friend, stay curious, and be as interesting and engaged as possible.

22. Host In-Person Workshops or Seminars

In-person seminars or workshops offer a great chance to attract new clients through real life interactions and demonstrations.

And I don’t necessarily mean huge expensive conferences. Even small-scale workshops work really well.

For example, a two-hour Saturday afternoon session at your local library on overcoming imposter syndrome or mastering work-life balance.

Small-scale events have several advantages:

  • Low barriers to entry increases likelihood of strong attendance
  • Easy to partner up with complementary practitioners like counselors or fitness instructors for wider draw
  • Highly targeted content in a tight window allows quality interactions around niche topics

Here’s what arranging your own seminar or workshop might involve:

  1. Pick a focused, relevant topic that your ideal client needs help with
  2. Find suitable venues through local community centers, libraries, coffee shops, or cowork spaces
  3. Promote your event on local message boards, social media groups, and via your own email lists
  4. Deliver amazing value, engage deeply with your audience, and follow-up promptly after (make sure they know how to find you online)

In-person workshops or seminars really hit that sweet spot between being accessible for local attendees, yet substantial enough to show off your capabilities as a coach.

23. Volunteer Your Services

If you’re a brand new coach, volunteering gives you practical experience while also getting visible and building relationships with potential future clients.

Here are some quick tips to make your volunteering count:

  • Research groups that align well with your niche, such as charities or community centers
  • Set goals regarding the number of people you want to help and sessions completed.
  • Document your experience through photos and feedback for future marketing materials.
  • Ask attendees to provide testimonials (preferably on video) in return for the free coaching.
  • Encourage attendees to sign up to your email list to stay in touch for the future.

Later down the line, some of the people you help through volunteering may well turn into paying clients.

At any rate, you’ll come away with an array of testimonials, which are invaluable for getting your business off to a flying start.

24. Partner with Local Businesses

Forming partnerships with complementary local businesses is great for boosting your reach and credibility, while also providing added value for clients.

Depending on your coaching niche, opportunities are all around you. For example:

  • A business coach might partner with a financial planner to help entrepreneurs manage finances and grow their company.
  • A health coach might partner with a nutritionist to offer complementary guidance on diet planning.
  • A corporate coach might partner with a massage therapist to offer massages for stressed executives.
  • A relocation coach might partner with an immigration lawyer to deliver visa application services

These relationships are mutually beneficial, as you cross-promote each other’s services and refer ideal clients.

Here’s another example – I know a life coach who has partnered with a yoga studio owner. The coach held monthly workshops at the studio on managing stress through self-care techniques.

In return, the studio owner would promote the life coach’s services to class participants. This led to a steady stream of referrals on both ends.

Clients who worked with the coach were encouraged to check out the yoga studio. And happy yoga studio customers could be directed to the coach for further wellbeing insights.

Here are my top tips for effective local partnering:

  • Identify professional local services that fit well with your coaching niche
  • Start slow through smaller cross-promotions before making bigger commitments
  • Explore revenue share models, as you build trust and gauge the mutual benefits
  • Document your processes to ensure consistently positive experiences when sharing clients
  • Set regular check-ins with your partner to exchange feedback (especially as partnerships evolve)

25. Advertise in Local Publications

Advertising in local publications is old-school, but could still be worth considering. These publications often cater to specific audiences, so you can target potential clients more precisely.

Being featured in respected local media can boost your credibility locally and show commitment to the community, which will resonate with readers.

What’s more, local advertising is typically more affordable than national campaigns, making it accessible for coaches with various budgets.

But local advertising has several drawbacks. Its limited geographical reach may constrain your growth potential, and with the ongoing shift towards digital media, many print publications are seeing declining readership.

Your ad might also struggle to stand out in a crowded field of advertisements, and tracking the return on investment is often challenging when compared to digital marketing methods.

To get started with local publication advertising, begin by researching publications that align with your coaching niche and target audience. Consider your budget carefully, as this will influence your choices and the frequency of your ads.

Creating a compelling ad that clearly communicates your value proposition is key, so you might want to hire professional help for this.

I recommend starting out with a small campaign, measuring the results, and being ready to refine your approach based on performance.

Local publication advertising works best when integrated with your overall marketing strategy, including your online presence and other outreach efforts.

How to Choose Your Ideal Strategy to Get Coaching Clients

With so many options for attracting clients, how do you choose the right ones for your business?

Here’s my step-by-step process to help you decide.

Step 1: Establish Your Online Foundation

Before beginning specific client acquisition tactics, you need to establish some kind of online presence.

Potential clients are highly likely to Google your name, regardless of how they initially hear about you.

Hence, being online is an absolute necessity for every coach – no matter what niche you’re in.

Your website serves as your 24/7 digital storefront, showcasing your expertise and services even when you’re not actively marketing.

It provides credibility and makes it easy for potential clients to find and learn about you.

Step 2: Assess Your Strengths and Resources

Once your online foundation is in place, consider your personal strengths, available time, and budget.

Are you a natural writer? Do you enjoy public speaking? How much time can you dedicate to marketing activities?

Your answers will help guide you towards methods that play to your strengths and fit within your constraints.

For example, if you enjoy writing but have limited financial resources, then focusing on content marketing through blogging and SEO might be an excellent fit.

These methods let you use your writing skills to attract clients organically, without requiring a big financial investment.

Step 3: Identify Your Target Audience

Next, think carefully about your ideal clients.

Where do they spend time online? What are their pain points and desires? Understanding your audience will help you choose methods that resonate with them.

For example, if you’re targeting professionals or business owners, LinkedIn could be a goldmine for client acquisition. Its professional focus makes it an ideal platform for connecting with potential clients in a business context.

Step 4: Consider Your Long-Term vs. Short-Term Goals

Some client acquisition methods, like paid advertising, can bring quick results but require ongoing investment.

Others, like SEO and content marketing, take longer to gain traction but provide sustainable, long-term results.

Consider your business goals and timeline. If you need clients immediately, you might need to incorporate some short-term strategies.

But don’t neglect long-term methods. A mix of both can provide immediate results while building a sustainable foundation for future growth.

Step 5: Evaluate Scalability and ROI

As your coaching business grows, you’ll want methods that can scale with you.

SEO, blogging, and LinkedIn content creation are particularly effective here.

Once created, your blog content continues to work for you, reaching new potential clients without requiring more time or money.

What’s more, these methods often provide a higher return on investment (ROI) compared to paid advertising.

Yes, they require your time upfront, but they continue to bring in clients long after the initial effort.

Step 6: Combine Complementary Strategies

Often, combining several methods is the best way to get coaching clients consistently.

For example. your search-optimized blog content can fuel your LinkedIn posts and email marketing campaigns – creating a cohesive and powerful marketing strategy that resists algorithm changes.

This integrated approach allows you to reach potential clients through multiple touchpoints, reinforcing your message and increasing the chances of conversion.

Step 7: Implement and Track Results

Begin with the methods that align best with your strengths, resources, and goals.

As you implement them, monitor your results carefully. Which methods are bringing in the most leads? Which are resulting in the highest quality clients? Then use this data to refine your approach over time.

Step 8: Seek Expert Guidance

You can implement many client acquisition tactics on your own. But having expert guidance can really speed up your results – freeing up more time to focus on serving your clients.

This is particularly true for technical areas like SEO, content strategy, and LinkedIn optimization. A professional can help you avoid common pitfalls and follow best practices.

By building a strong online foundation through a search-optimized website, and then layering on targeted methods like content marketing and LinkedIn networking, you can create a powerful system for attracting your ideal coaching clients.

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