I’m sharing 18 proven LinkedIn profile tips – so you too can win on LinkedIn in 2024.

These tips are universal, whether you’re a job seeker, freelancer, or just seeking to build your network for the future.

Your LinkedIn profile is the landing page for your personal brand. Or at least, it should be. Don’t waste this golden opportunity to attract your ideal clients and job opportunities.

I built my LinkedIn audience to over 21,000 followers in 18 months. Part of that success came from having a properly optimized profile.

(NB: You’ll need to activate LinkedIn’s Creator Mode to get the most out of these tips).

18 Proven LinkedIn Profile Tips (That Got Me To 21K+ Followers)

#1. Claim Your Custom Profile URL

Don’t let LinkedIn assign you a random profile URL like “linkedin.com/in/john3546461.” Customize it to simply be your name, like “linkedin.com/in/john-smith.”

A customized profile URL makes your profile easier to find and share. It also looks much more professional than the default option.

To claim your custom URL, go to your profile edit page. Then click on the pencil icon next to your profile URL in the right column. Type in the customized name you want, then click “Save.”

Just make sure the name you choose is available. If someone else already claimed “john-smith,” you may have to get creative and add a middle initial or other identifier.

A custom profile URL helps to establish your personal brand on LinkedIn. It allows people to link directly to your profile when searching your name. This small optimization can make a big difference in your LinkedIn authority and search visibility.

#2. Add Correct Contact Info

Don’t make it difficult for people to contact you. Add your current email address, and phone number, as well as links to your website and other social profiles.

Having correct contact info helps in several ways:

  • Recruiters can easily reach out about new opportunities
  • Potential clients, partners, or sponsors can get in touch
  • Industry peers can connect for conversations

Just make sure your contact information paints you in a professional light. An inappropriate email address like “beerguzzler69@hotmail.com” probably won’t make the best impression!

Also, don’t overlook the “Contact Info” section under your introductory banner image. Make sure your email, phone number, and links are filled out properly there as well.

#3. Get a Great Profile Photo

Start with a professional but approachable profile photo that reflects your personality. Remember, you don’t need to be stuffy or boring on LinkedIn. Showing a little personality goes a long way. Make sure you’re looking straight at the camera, not up or off to the side.

I like this full-face shot of me smiling, with a plain background in a bright red color (NB – the profile pic background is the same shade of red I use on this website – which keeps everything on-brand). I recommend getting a set of professional photos done, but a clear iPhone shot can work just as well.

Using Canva is the best way I’ve found to remove the original image background and add a bright block color.

#4. Don’t Waste Your Banner Image

Your banner image is the large space behind your profile photo (the green area in mine). Many people ignore it and leave it grey and blank. Or they upload some irrelevant photo of a city skyline or similar.

That’s a massive missed opportunity! Don’t waste this important bit of LinkedIn real estate.

As you can see from my LinkedIn snapshot in the previous section, I’ve used the banner to provide an eye-catching summary of my business and who I help.

I’ve also included social proof by listing logos from some of my previous clients. I used Canva to create all of this.

Here are some more examples of great banner images.

#5. Write a Compelling Headline

Your headline sits prominently under your name on your profile – so don’t waste it on boring job titles like “Marketing Manager at XYZ Company”.

Instead, use it like an advertising slogan to showcase the expertise your viewers want. For example: “Social Media Strategist | Content Creator | Digital Marketing Mentor”.

Another format I like is: “I help XYZ do ABC without 123”. E.g. “I help B2B SaaS companies maximize revenue from content, without spending a fortune on ads”

An eye-grabbing headline arouses curiosity and encourages visitors to keep reading your profile. It also helps visiting recruiters and business prospects quickly understand the value you offer.

In 120 characters or less, highlight relevant specialties, achievements, services, or niche areas you excel in. Run different options by your trusted connections to get some external input on headline alternatives. You could also try generating some headline ideas using an AI tool (I like Claude 2 best).

#6. Use Your Bio Link To Drive Traffic to Your Website

Leverage the hyperlinked text next to your profile photo to send visitors to your site.

By default, this space contains text saying “Contact info” without any clickable link attached. You’re wasting prime LinkedIn real estate!

Go into your bio link settings and add the URL for your professional website or blog. Make the anchor text something compelling like “Visit My Website” or “Free Consultation.”

Now everyone who views your profile can easily click to access more information from your other online properties.

Driving visitors from LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, adds instant authority and exposure. Plus it demonstrates you’re a serious player within your niche.

Just make sure your destination website has a clean design and up-to-date content. You want to make the best first impression possible on linked visitors to convert them into followers, subscribers, and customers.

#7. Add a Custom Button (Premium Feature)

LinkedIn Premium Business subscribers can add an extra clickable call-to-action button to their profile. Here’s mine in the below image.

This custom button links out to any URL of your choice. Options include driving traffic to your store, website, portfolio, blog, or directly booking appointments/requesting your services.

The attention-grabbing button appears prominently on your profile page. It’s easily viewable to anyone who visits. The button also shows up when you appear in LinkedIn search results, messaging threads, and feed content.

With a custom button, LinkedIn sticks your tailored CTA on their highest visibility real estate that’s seen daily by hundreds of millions of professionals.

This is prime positioning for directing qualified traffic to your online offerings. Each click represents a potential lead, client, or customer heading straight your way!

So if you have LinkedIn access through a Premium Business or Sales Navigator subscription, make sure to take advantage of the custom button.

Build a LinkedIn profile that’s ready to make money…

#8. Tell a Story in Your About Section

Simply listing past companies and job titles in your About section gets boring fast. Instead, craft a compelling story that ties together your biggest accomplishments and relates them to your ideal target audience, while still showing your personality.

For example, you could discuss pivotal moments that positioned you for future success. Or share key lessons that shaped your outlook. You could talk about some of the amazing results you’ve achieved for clients.

You can also incorporate a mention of any unique hobbies, experiences, and interests that humanize you beyond work. For example, sprinkle in a few of the challenges you overcame during major transitions.

Most importantly, your About section should articulate how you help clients/employers achieve their goals. Demonstrate an understanding of their key pain points and explain how your offerings drive success.

Blending your professional accomplishments with a bit of personal flair lets you stand out as more than just another LinkedIn profile. It builds authenticity and helps visitors to feel like they know you.

Here’s a glimpse of my current LinkedIn About section, telling my story and relating it to my ideal clients’ key challenges.

#9. Make Your Featured Section Work For You

Your featured section is the perfect place to drive some prime leads, as it occupies premium above-the-fold space on desktop and mobile. Everyone sees it immediately when visiting your profile. Among the top names on LinkedIn, it’s best practice to use this space wisely.

For example, you could showcase an opt-in form to collect emails for your newsletter list directly on your profile. That way, you drive profile visitors straight into your subscriber funnel.

Or you could provide the download link for a lead magnet eBook or template to capture new subscribers. Offering valuable content in exchange for their information tends to work extremely well.

If you sell online courses or other digital products, showcase them in your featured section with details and a CTA to purchase. With Stripe or Gumroad, it’s easy to drive people to a simple payment page in just a few clicks.

If you’re selling services, you could use the featured section to add a link to book a free discovery call or a paid consultation session with you, as my friend Brian Gallagher does below.

The featured section also provides a fantastic opportunity to display short video testimonials. Let clients and colleagues endorse you on camera for maximum impact.

You can even stack multiple CTAs together, as in the below example from Matt Gray.

Done right, your featured section can look visually appealing while also driving leads exactly where you want them to be.

#10. Include Lots of Social Proof

Strengthen trust and credibility through various forms of social proof like logos, testimonials, and followers.

Feature logos of past clients and companies you worked with under your profile and cover images. Visitors instantly see other that reputable organizations validate you, which boosts your standing in their eyes.

If you’ve worked for prominent companies, make sure to list their names as former employers in your profile’s experience section. Recruiters and prospects tend to take note of the brand pedigrees you come from.

In your about section, mention famous brands you consulted or freelanced for. Drop their names as credibility boosters.

Enable client quotes and testimonials as featured posts atop your activity feeds. Let others advocate for your great work.

Collectively, incorporating numerous social proof signals conveys you are an established player. So tap every chance to showcase external validation!

Build a LinkedIn profile that’s ready to make money…

#11. Start Building Your Audience

Grow your brand by proactively following peers, influencers, and potential clients. Use LinkedIn’s search filters to find relevant contacts to follow within your target companies, industries, job functions, or niches.

Follow thought leaders creating insightful content related to your space. Tap into their existing audiences by engaging. Then identify potential customer profiles and decision makers to provide value to. Seek to understand their pain points through the content they share.

As you actively support and bring value to these audiences, a percentage will follow you back over time, creating a compounding effect. For best results, aim to follow at least 20-30 new contacts per week in your network. Focus on quality over spamming the masses (never do that!)

Over time, you organically build a targeted follower base aligned to your business or career goals, giving your content reach and influence.

#12. Add Skills, Endorsements, and Recommendations

Boost your LinkedIn credibility by showcasing your top skills, endorsements, and recommendations.

In the skills section, add 5-10 abilities relevant to your industry or niche. These should be specific hard and soft skills you possess, not just generic terms.

Getting colleagues and connections to endorse your skills gives them more credibility. Don’t hesitate to endorse skills for others in return.

Recommendations function like mini testimonials for your previous work. Try to have at least 3 to prove your capabilities to visitors.

When asking for recommendations, provide some background and talking points to spur personalized responses. Recommend others on LinkedIn as well whenever you genuinely can.

#13. Include Degrees, Licenses and Certifications

Don’t leave out important credentials that validate your expertise. Be sure to list any relevant degrees, licenses, or certifications under the Accomplishments section of your LinkedIn profile.

For college degrees, include the official name of the institution and graduation year. Professional licenses like a CPA or Six Sigma Black Belt should be on your profile. Certifications in specialized skills like HubSpot or Google Ads are impressive additions also.

Stacking several credentials shows visitors that you’ve invested time into your education and career development. It shows dedication to your craft beyond just work experience alone.

Caveat: Make sure everything you claim on your LinkedIn profile is accurate and truthful. Getting caught embellishing something will undermine your integrity.

Build a LinkedIn profile that’s ready to make money…

#14. Make Your Profile Public

Having your profile set to public allows all LinkedIn members to find and view your page through search. This gives you wider exposure and opens up more networking, partnership, and job opportunities.

The only reason to stay private is if your employer restricts you from having a public presence due to confidentiality reasons. But most industries and roles are fine with it.

Visit your profile’s visibility settings and toggle the slider to “yes” next to the “Select who can view your profile” option. Now you’re public!

#15. Optimize Your Job Seeking or Services Provided Preferences

Make sure you’ve fine-tuned your LinkedIn preferences to align with your goals – whether that’s job hunting, attracting clients, or simply building your personal brand.

Under your account settings, adjust whether your profile appears in searches for talent by recruiters. Toggle on openness to:

  • New job opportunities
  • Consulting offers
  • Business deals and partnerships

This signals the types of outreach you want. It guides opportunities matched to your objectives into your inbox.

If you’re seeking jobs, pick industries and roles in which you have experience. Recruiters can then easily discover you for relevant openings.

If you’re providing freelance services, select the types of projects you work on. In this way, interested clients can seamlessly find you.

#16. Start Engaging Via Comments

Don’t just be a passive profile lurker – actively engage with your network by commenting.

When you see an interesting post from a connection, take a minute to leave your thoughts. Share how the content relates to your experience or sparks new ideas. Ask questions and start conversations in the comments.

Commenting builds relationships by continuing conversations instead of just consuming content. It shows you bother to pay attention while nurturing connections.

To supercharge engagement, comment first on posts you share before anyone else. This primes the audience to join the dialogue you start. And make sure you always reply to all comments left on your own posts.

Thoughtful commenting also displays your subject matter expertise around topics and themes. You organically position yourself as an authority people want to turn to.

Just stick to adding value versus blatant self-promotion. Don’t copy-paste the same responses repeatedly either. And avoid using AI tools like ChatGPT for commenting. It’s hard to comment using AI tools in a way that sounds convincingly human. AI-generated comments are a major turn-off for many on LinkedIn.

You can also search hashtags related to your industry to find relevant posts from outside your network. Leave some intelligent comments there to reach a wider audience and boost your follower count.

#17. Post Your Own Content

Stand out from the LinkedIn crowd by regularly sharing original content instead of just commenting. I’ve been doing this since late 2022 and it’s been a real game-changer for me.

You can choose from a variety of formats for your LinkedIn posts. The default setting is text posts, but you can also post images, video content, documents, and carousels.

Posting unique content displays your thought leadership and authority around topics to your network. It keeps you top of mind as an industry leader. Aim for at least 3-5 weekly posts to strike a balance between valuable and overbearing.

Depending on your goals, you should aim for a mix of top-of-the-funnel posts (thought leadership, industry tips, and personal stories), and middle / bottom-of-the-funnel posts (client results, case studies, sharing your work process).

Here’s an example of one of my recent client results posts (this brought me three new leads).

Use relevant hashtags (3-5 per post) so your content surfaces in searches by those interested in related subjects. I normally stick to similar hashtags in all my posts to maintain consistency across my personal brand.

Before hitting publish, make sure what you’re posting aligns with your personal brand and the audience you want to attract. Don’t forget to engage with anyone who comments on your post.

#18. Connect With People of Interest

You should also expand your LinkedIn network by proactively connecting with relevant contacts.

Use LinkedIn’s advanced search filters to find people working in your target companies or industry. You can also search by job titles to connect with those roles you want to build relationships with.

When sending connection requests, personalize the message with why you want to connect. Mention shared connections, groups, or interests to establish common ground.

Connecting opens the door to engaging with peers, partners, potential clients and talent. It also lays the foundation for more meaningful conversations, when compared to cold outreach.

Aim to connect with a few new contacts weekly. But focus on quality over quantity – i.e. people you genuinely want to network with, rather than just spamming strangers en masse.

Nurture and engage with your connections after linking up. Comment on their posts, endorse their skills, and advance the relationship over time.

Proactively building your network creates more opportunities to exchange ideas and collaborate with aligned players in your space. The more (relevant) connections you build, the wider your LinkedIn reach and sphere of influence becomes.

Actionable Next Steps

These 18 proven LinkedIn profile tips will help you stand out and attract your ideal opportunities in 2024.

The key to success is being consistent over a long period. Commit to spending 30-60 minutes per week focusing on your LinkedIn presence.

Over time, the compounding effects will drive exponential growth. But you need to chip away with small daily progress versus trying to do everything at once.

Choose 2-3 of these tips to implement first. Once those are in place, layer in a few more. Before you know it, you’ll have a high-impact profile and be recognized as a thought leader.

Build a LinkedIn profile that’s ready to make money…

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