Discover how my targeted content strategy helped a fintech SaaS company increase organic traffic by 127% in just six months – without relying on high-volume, top-of-the-funnel content.

Client Background

BVNK is a cutting-edge cryptocurrency payments platform that bridges the gap between traditional and digital finance, enabling businesses to incorporate stablecoins into their payment flows and send and receive payments globally.

The Strategy

I used my signature Content Foundations approach for this BVNK project. This focuses on revenue-driving content to build a strong foundation for the business, then expanding into higher volume, informational, and thought leadership pieces.

I was aware that many SEO agencies and consultants tend to overemphasize high-volume, informational content that doesn’t easily convert to signups, demos, and revenue.

Instead, I focused on creating an SEO-focused, bottom-of-the-funnel content strategy tailored specifically for BVNK’s needs as a B2B SaaS company in the fintech space.

The Content Foundations strategy aimed to drive leads before traffic by targeting key decision-makers and addressing their pain points directly.

Drawing on my extensive experience working with B2B SaaS content, I guided BVNK’s marketing team in creating content designed to rank well in search engines and support business goals.

The strategy involved:

  1. Identifying high-value, bottom-of-the-funnel keywords relevant to BVNK’s target audience
  2. Creating in-depth, persuasive content that showcased BVNK’s unique value proposition and addressed customer pain points
  3. Optimizing content for search engines to improve organic rankings and drive targeted traffic
  4. Incorporating strategic calls-to-action to convert website visitors into qualified leads
  5. Gradually expanding the content strategy to include informational and thought leadership pieces to establish BVNK as an authoritative voice in Fintech.

My Content Foundations strategy aimed to deliver tangible business results for BVNK, acting as an extension of their in-house marketing team at a fraction of the cost.

I achieved this by focusing on revenue-driving content first, then providing the depth and targeting that generic SEO agencies or freelance content writers often lack.


I tackled the implementation in two main parts: the Strategy Sprint and the Content Sprint.

The Strategy Sprint began with a kick-off Zoom meeting, where I gained a deep understanding of BVNK’s goals, objectives, past SEO efforts, competitors, and customer insights. I captured this information in a comprehensive report, setting the foundation for the entire project.

Next, I conducted a thorough Website Quality Audit (WQA), which included a review of important analytics data from tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Screaming Frog.

This audit also involved identifying major technical issues like poor site speed, missing sitemaps, and broken links, which BVNK’s in-house development team could then deal with.

To get maximum ‘juice’ from the existing content, I carried out an in-depth content audit and keyword research task focused on improving the performance of current pages. I also conducted a content gap analysis based on BVNK’s main competitors to identify fresh and untapped keyword opportunities.

I wrapped up the Strategy Sprint by creating a comprehensive SEO strategy tailored to BVNK’s specific business goals. The key deliverables for this phase included an end-of-sprint SEO strategy report and a Zoom walkthrough call with the team to make sure everyone was aligned and understood the next steps.

The next phase was the Content Sprint, focusing on the execution of the SEO strategy. I began this phase by ideating suitable topics based on the content gap analysis from the previous sprint.

BVNK’s content manager and team then reviewed and approved the list of topics to make sure they were closely relevant to business goals and brand values.

To maximize the impact of the new content, I organized the topics into clusters centered around BVNK’s core products and service areas. This allowed for a more targeted and cohesive content strategy that effectively addressed the needs and pain points of BVNK’s target audience.

Finally, I built out comprehensive, SEO-tailored content briefs for each topic, providing a clear roadmap for BVNK’s subject matter expert to easily write content that would rank well in search engines and resonate with ideal customers.

These briefs included target keywords, recommended headings, meta descriptions, internal linking guidance, optimized heading outlines, and other essential elements for optimal search performance.

Throughout the implementation process, I worked closely with BVNK’s team, providing ongoing guidance and support by email and weekly Zoom calls.

By following this structured sprints approach, I set up a powerful content strategy that drove significant organic traffic growth and laid the foundations for BVNK’s long-term success.

Like what you see? Book a free discovery call with me to discuss how we can grow your business with content.


The Content Foundations strategy delivered outstanding results for BVNK, with a particular focus on driving targeted traffic to bottom-of-the-funnel content.

In just six months, BVNK experienced a remarkable 127% increase in organic traffic, growing from 18.4K to 41.1K monthly visitors.

What’s even more impressive is that a significant portion of this traffic growth was attributed to the strategic targeting of bottom-of-the-funnel content pieces.

For B2B SaaS companies in the fintech space, attracting traffic to bottom-of-the-funnel content is crucial for driving business growth.

These content pieces directly address the specific needs and pain points of potential customers who are closer to making a purchasing decision.

An example of top-performing bottom-of-the-funnel content that targeted buyer intent

By creating content targeting high-buyer intent keywords such as “Best X for Y”, BVNK was able to capture the attention of highly qualified prospects actively searching for solutions like theirs.

You can see below how this specific article stormed up the rankings to grab the number one position for the main target keyword.

The targeted nature of this traffic growth lays a solid foundation for BVNK to generate more qualified leads and conversions in the future.

Key Takeaways

  1. Prioritize revenue-driving, bottom-of-the-funnel content first to attract qualified prospects and drive tangible results early on.
  2. Develop a comprehensive, goal-oriented SEO-led content strategy based on thorough technical audits, keyword research, and content gap analysis.
  3. Implement a structured approach, such as these Strategy and Content Sprints, to deliver more efficient results without long-term SEO agency contracts.
  4. Partner with an experienced B2B SaaS SEO and content marketing expert to gain a competitive edge at a lower cost than hiring in-house.
  5. Foster strong collaboration between the external SEO expert and in-house team to maintain alignment with brand values and business goals.

Next Steps

Ready to take your B2B SaaS company’s content strategy to the next level and drive sustainable organic growth?

As an experienced content strategist with years of experience in fintech, I can help you gain a competitive edge in your industry.

Let’s work together to create a powerful strategy that sets your business up for long-term success.

Book a discovery call with me at a convenient time, and let’s discuss how I can help.

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